18 Dec December 2020
What a year this has been! Even though we couldn’t see the end of term in together, the children still managed to celebrate Christmas in so many different ways this December! They had fun helping decorate the nursery and became elves, helping to build toys for Santa in Santa’s Workshop. Children were also very busy writing letters to Santa, and I’m sure Santa will pull through and deliver some lovely presents, nothing can stop him, he is magical after all;-)
Thank you all for your continued support and understanding during these difficult times. We wish you all a restful, safe and Happy Christmas, and look forward to seeing you all in the New Year 2021, we will continue where we left off and ensure the children get the Christmas party they deserve! I also hear that Santa will still be delivering a gift for all the children at nursery over Christmas, so that’s something to look forward to for when the children return:-)
Lots of love and a very ‘Merry Christmas’ to all of you from all the staff at Brookhill Nursery xxx