30 Nov October / November 2020
We have all had to get used to new routines at nursery during the past few months and our children seem to have taken it all in their stride. They have coped extremely well with all the new changes. All the staff have commented at how well they have settled into nursery life and the new routines. Thank you to all the parents/carers who have also had to get used to the social distancing guidelines at drop off and pick up times, you are all amazing!
The children are becoming more independent at taking ownership of their pegs, as parents aren’t able to help them as they usually would at drop off. They are doing a fabulous job at learning different techniques of putting their coats on and changing from shoes to wellies. Please ensure your child comes to nursery in clothing that will allow them to become more independent, preferably elasticated bottoms and velcro shoes.
We had a busy October with lots of new children settling into nursery and getting to know each other. Our children enjoy story times where they have opportunities to learn each other’s names in small key groups and gain confidence to join in with familiar stories and songs. Most of you by now will have heard our popular ‘Candle Song’, children learn skills such as turn taking to switch off the light, blow the candle out and important safety around matches and fire.
Thank you for all your kind donations towards our ‘Piggy Bank’ fund to help us replenish vital resources for the children, and for all the donations of tissues, wipes, antibacterial spray and fruit, we sure go through a lot of it during the week! Also a big thank you for all the Pumpkin donations in the week leading up to Halloween, the children enjoyed scooping out the seeds, filling them with coloured couscous, drawing on them and even balancing them on one another!
November saw us busy celebrating ‘Guy Fawkes’, ‘Remembrance Day’, ‘Children in Need’, ‘Diwali’ and ‘World Nursery Rhyme Week’! The children enjoyed using spray bottles to create fireworks and made some beautiful Poppies for our parents to help raise money for War Veterans. We also spent a whole week doing the ‘Five to Thrive’ exercises with Joe Wicks and raised an amazing £180 for ‘Children in Need’! At story times we learnt about ‘Diwali’, the ‘Festival of Light’. Some of the children made clay Diva’s and explored making Rangoli patterns using coloured rice, coloured porridge, paint, chalk and felt tips.
We are looking forward to a fun filled December, where more celebrations are about to happen!!!
Thank you all for your continued support.