30 Mar Coronavirus Latest News
BEYA Nursery School’s and Children’s Centre is open for priority children only. This emergency provision is based at St. Margaret’s Nursery School, New Barnet, EN4 9NT. BEYA is operating this service, Monday to Friday, 8am – 5pm.
We are still available for every child and family throughout the crisis. If at any time you need support, we are just a phone call away. Please call between the hours of 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday, 0208 449 5466, option 4. Please remember, every child that can be cared for at home, should be.
Your child’s key person will be in touch with you regularly, via email, phone or Learning Journals to share activity ideas, stories and to offer support or advice. We are all missing the children and would love to see what you are getting up to at home, please upload photos to your child’s Learning Journal, we would love to see them. We will also be sharing ideas and photos via our Instagram accounts: @hampden_way_nursery, @brookhillnursery, @stmargaretsnurserybarnet.
Latest information
For the latest information from the government, please visit https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus
For the latest information and advice from the NHS, please visit https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
For the latest information and advice from Barnet Council, please visit https://www.barnet.gov.uk/coronavirus-covid-19-latest-information-and-advice
For non-medical queries relating to Covid-19, Barnet Council can be contacted on covid19support@barnet.gov.uk or 0808 281 3210.
Community Help Hub
Community groups across our borough are pulling together in an unprecented way to support vulnerable people during the Coronavirus crisis. If you require help or support (non medical related) or if you are healthy and able to volunteer to support the community, please visit https://engage.barnet.gov.uk/communityhelphub
Please watch this NHS video that demonstrates effective handwashing technique.
Rememeber: Stay at home – Protect the NHS – Save Lives.
Thank you and stay safe, with love from everyone at Barnet Early Years Alliance. x